El significado de lo que vemos tiene tantas interpretaciones como números existentes. Cada imagen tiene un significado distinto para cada persona, somos tan iguales y tan diferentes que es difícil delimitar lo que pensamos, es difícil crear escaparates de lo que somos. Incluso es sumamente difícil definir con exactitud quien es ellla, quien es él, quién eres tú, quien queremos ser.
Tres imágenes que me gustan, me transmiten algo, puedo inventarme historias mientras las observo. ¿ Y vosotros?
The meaning of what we see has as many interpretations as existing numbers. Each image has a different meaning to each person. We are as similar as we are different, it's impossible to precise what we think, it's impossible to create shop windows to show what we are. It's even extremely difficult to define with accucary who is she, who is he, who are you, who we want to be.
Three pictures, that I like, they transmit me something, I can figer my stories while I observe them. ¿ What about you ?